More Than Food

Money Life

Providing tools and courses to help tackle debt and financial difficulties.

We recognise that budgeting when you’re on a low, or no, income can be incredibly difficult and stressful. That’s why our foodbank has partnered with money advice specialists to enable people who are struggling with financial difficulties to access expert help. This includes help managing or avoiding debt, help setting a budget, and making sure that people are accessing any finance available through grants or benefits.


We work alongside a Christians Against Poverty (CAP) centre. CAP offers a free debt counselling service that includes face-to-face budgeting advice, creditor liaison, and personal support to enable people to work themselves out of debt and to transform their finances. If you, or someone you know, is struggling with debt please phone CAP’s freephone number – 0800 328 0006, or email [email protected].  CAP’s dedicated team will be able to help.

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